
Serverless LAN Chat

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KouChat for Android v0.11.0 is out!

This release finally adds support for receiving files! You can now send and receive files between all your devices and computers using KouChat.

Receive file

The file transfer work is not finished though. You still can’t cancel an ongoing file transfer or monitor the progress from an Android device. That’s for another release.

I’ve also been fixing some memory leaks, which should make everything work a bit smoother on older devices.

And I’ve registered the domain www.kouchat.net. Nothing there yet, except a redirect here. Maybe I’ll set up a more exciting site there later.


  • Fixed several issues leading to memory leaks.
  • Added basic support for receiving files.
  • Upgraded ActionBarSherlock to version 4.4.0.
  • Changed contact information to use the new kouchat.net domain.

Get it on Google Play, or download the apk from the downloads section.