
Serverless LAN Chat

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KouChat v1.3.0 is out!

Wow, that only took 4 years!

KouChat for desktop v1.3.0

I totally forgot how long it’s been since the last update of KouChat for Desktop. Most of the changes on KouChat in this period has been on the Android version, but not everything. There are no big changes in functionality in the app, but a lot of polish and bug fixes.

Some highlights include much improved Mac OS X support (including retina icons), ability to start KouChat minimized (perfect for running KouChat on startup), the new and better looking smileys already being used in the Android app, and an option to disable the system tray. I’ve also done quite a lot on translation support. About 80% of the strings are done. I was planning on finishing this before releasing, but it took too long, so I figured it was better to get the other improvements out and finish it later.

Here is the full changelog:

  • Updated contact information.
  • Fixed rare bug where quitting would not log off the network right away.
  • Changed rename format when receiving files with name crash in the console ui from “file.ext.1” to “file_1.ext”.
  • Added support for the startup argument --minimized to start the Swing gui minimized.
  • Right click popup with copy/paste options can now be activated using the menu key on Windows keyboards.
  • Fixed bug where the private chat input would activate when coming back from away when the other user is still away.
  • Moved the menubar to the top of the screen on Mac OS X.
  • Fixed menu not appearing when right clicking users in the user list on Mac OS X.
  • Switched to using command key instead of control key for keyboard shortcuts on Mac OS X.
  • Added pre-scaled system tray icons for Mac OS X.
  • Removed hack for KDE where system tray icon of 22x22 was required instead of 24x24.
  • Added setting to enable/disable the system tray icon.
  • Replaced old icons and smileys with the newer ones from KouChat for Android.
  • Added retina icons for Mac OS X.
  • Made links clickable in the About dialog.
  • Fixed bug with PulseAudio where the notification sound was cut off early.
  • User interface translations (still under development).

You will find the jar in the downloads section. Enjoy :)